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The Best Ways to Get Hamilton Tickets

As you might already know, getting tickets to the Hamilton musical is a difficult task to fulfill. However, nothing can be done now when you have promised your family a Hamilton visit.

If you are looking for the best ways to get Hamilton tickets, we have got you covered in this article. Here are a few points you should keep in mind whenever you plan on buying Hamilton the play tickets.

Join The Lottery

While buying tickets from the actual box office is really difficult, you can try joining the lottery and see where your luck leads you.

Before you enter any lotteries to get Hamilton tickets, let us make it clear that your chances of winning a lottery and getting Hamilton tickets are really thin just like any other lottery.

Hamilton the play

Still, if you cannot afford Hamilton tickets at their face value, you should definitely join the $10 lottery and see if you can get your dream tickets. There are specific timings in which you can join the lottery for tickets of a specific Hamilton musical play. So, always stay vigilant and never waste any opportunity of joining the lucky lottery!

Visit The Box Office

A majority of The Hamilton tickets are sold online. However, if someone wishes to cancel his booking, his tickets get available in the box office. So, wait till the last minute and you will see the box office opening a few hours before every show.

Keep in mind that ticket availability is not guaranteed if you are standing in the cancellation line. Still, it is worth trying since getting Hamilton tickets urgently is almost impossible unless you are willing to pay a much higher price.

These were some of the only ways in which you can get Hamilton tickets at their face value or even less.